


Racial Reconciliation.

Watch The Trailer with Ron Hall’s Comments.




What if you could use a Hollywood movie to teach your community how to forgive betrayal, serve the least of these, and experience racial reconciliation through something as simple as friendship?

Your church can now use this new 33-minute, emotionally gripping, incredible true story as an At the Movies package for your weekend gatherings - both online or on campus.

Same Kind of Different as Me, is the #1 NY Times Best Selling book for 3 ½ years turned into a major motion picture which is now available on Netflix.

3 Ways to Use the Plug & Play Sermon Package at Your Church

  1. Show as a stand alone weekend message for all your services.

  2. Include with your At the Movies series.

  3. Use as a fundraiser for your local homeless shelters on World Homeless Weekend Oct 10, 2020. (On average, when Ron speaks for homeless shelter fundraisers, he raises $200,000-$300,000 per night.)

This easy to use Plug-&-Play package is great for both online or live services. Start conversations in your church with a special Same Kind of Different As Me one-sheet devotional for family and individuals with discussion questions.

5 Ways the Plug & Play Package is Unique for Your Church

  1. A portion of the proceeds support the Same Kind Foundation providing emergency funding for homeless shelters across the country.

  2. Ron Hall, the author and man who lived the incredible true story shares personal insights with deeply rooted scriptural encouragement.

  3. Two choices of fully produced 35-minutes packages:

    • PLUG & PLAY: Includes Ron Hall speaking 4 times in between clips

    • DO-IT-YOURSELF: Includes 4 movie clip segments and green screen sections the pastor can speak during.

  4. If you desire, Ron Hall will record two personalized :30 or :60 second videos inviting your church to attend the service and after the service - Ron will challenge your church (by name) to make the same kind of difference in your community.

  5. Academy award-winning and nominated actors, Renèe Zellweger, Greg Kinnear, Jon Voight and Djimon Hounsou bring the story to life with emotionally compelling performances.